Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My Personal Carpenter and Jack of all Trades

I'd just like to take a minute and brag on my hubby right now. Not only does he have a brilliant engineering mind, but he can also fix anything. Well, almost anything anyway.

Just recently our dryer decided to quick working. With a wet load in it. And another in the washer... It was a scramble to get everything dried at the laundromat before they closed (it was 30 degrees outside so I couldn't exactly line dry...) but the next day he was able to diagnose the issue, pick up the part and get everything put back together with hardly a blip in the never-ending stream of laundry that 4 kids produce.

He hardly bats an eyelash anymore when I say "Josh, come look at this picture. Can you build me that?" or "This thing doesn't exist in real life but I must simply have it. Can you go to Home Depot and use your engineering magic to make it happen?"

The new house had this useless shelving:

(cell phone pic when we looked at the house)
*Note to home sellers: Please don't leave your garage full of trash when you move. Literal bags of trash...

We lived with an unusable garage through the winter but the first warm weekend, BAM! He knocked this baby out! The garage has a ways to go still (yes, that is fiberboard printed with a wood paneling design), but it is SO much more functional now! We had to take advantage of all that height! We're still working on bike storage, but I'm thinking maybe under the dream playground I've been pinteresting. 

This is the latest project he's been working on (between dealing with electricians so our house doesn't burn down- thankfully it is now fixed).

The old gate was basically inoperable. Both of the posts broke off from the concrete during the demo so that made for alot of fun getting the concrete out... He started off doing a slanted top rail with the slope, but we thought the stair step looked better. We're planning on adding a row of square picture frame detail on the top of the gate and then capping the posts with solar lights. You can get a little glimpse of the beautiful flagstone and river rock path that has settled terribly and has been painfully neglected. I can't wait to get it looking pretty again, but since we're (hopefully!) getting Google Fiber installed soon and all the utilities come in at the corner to the right there, I'm guessing it's probably going to get alot worse before it gets better. 

Those are just a few of the things I've kept my talented hubby busy with over the last couple months since we moved in. 

Thanks for always saying yes to my crazy ideas, hunny. I love you!

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